
LiFe-每天的心情小記0 Comment on 清晨蹓狗

其實唔係好關我事,因為係媽咪做的!sorry 但自從Keith 黎咗後,就慘啦!佢越黎越早叫人起身,早論媽咪去旅行時我都日日中招,4:56分就起身!如果唔理佢就會搞家!所以只可以快些起身餵食再執wee wee,先可以再訓多陣! 而且兩隻狗隻又好公道,如果你帶得一隻落街,你唔帶另一隻,佢會覺得你唔公平,會憂鬱㗎! 今日本黎諗住落吓雨,淨帶bebe落去,但點知Keith 等到咁上下,終於唔耐煩,要叫媽咪帶佢落街,又叫又錫媽咪,最後都要帶佢落去先得!

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ReViEw-總會有一點點感想0 Comment on Predestination

一套幾特別的電影, 因為佢少咗一條平時時間上的RULE, 所以同一般玩時間的電影有少少唔同 故事結局的確幾精彩, 有D 令人O嘴 不過前半段有少少悶 但女?!主角做得好, 上半段同下半段真係感覺唔同, 但又好有同一人的感覺 當然你要反駁都可以反駁到, 不過故事係咁講, 講故就唔好駁故LA~ 如果喜歡玩時間的SCI FIC 電影, 值得一睇!

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Kraepelin’s discoveries have since become the “twin pillars”

LiFe-每天的心情小記0 Comment on Kraepelin’s discoveries have since become the “twin pillars”

Each theme had several sub themes that provided a clearer picture of how participants experienced the phenomenon.The embodied experiences of participants illuminated the complex context of childbirth steriods, whereby, the phenomenon was experienced in private, behind the closed door of...

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